SEA Foundation reach out program
Changing the narratives in communities
22nd - 25th July 2021
SEA Foundation reach out program
Changing the narratives in communities
22nd - 25th July 2021
Sea Foundation reach out program
Sea Foundation reach out program
The focus is to have a drive from 22nd to 25th July 2021. Targeting 200 households as an outreach program under sea foundation dubbed COVID Relief 2021 “changing the narratives in communities“ and in so doing we are blessing child led families, vulnerable young mothers, elders in communities and casual laborers who have been affected by COVID and lock down, as their source of income has been lost and are struggling to sustain their livelihoods.
These are mainly reformed felonies who we intend to keep on a straight path by standing with them during this time.
The beneficiaries will be provided with gift hampers that include the following items;
25Kgs posho, 10Kgs Rice, 5kgs beans, 3Kgs sugar, 3Ltrs of cooking oil, 3 bars of soap, 3 sachets of salt, Sanitary wear, Washable masks
The focus is to have a drive from 22nd to 25th July 2021. Targeting 200 households as an outreach program under sea foundation dubbed COVID Relief 2021 “changing the narratives in communities“ and in so doing we are blessing child led families, vulnerable young mothers, elders in communities and casual laborers who have been affected by COVID and lock down, as their source of income has been lost and are struggling to sustain their livelihoods.
These are mainly reformed felonies who we intend to keep on a straight path by standing with them during this time.
The beneficiaries will be provided with gift hampers that include the following items;
25Kgs posho, 10Kgs Rice, 5kgs beans, 3Kgs sugar, 3Ltrs of cooking oil, 3 bars of soap, 3 sachets of salt, Sanitary wear, Washable masks